The name of this blog is Chizuk Shaya. "Chizuk" signals the intent of the blog - to inspire readers to greater spiritual growth through Torah insights. "Shaya" is short for my Hebrew name: Yeshaya Elazar.
The Amora Raba related that people should study areas of Torah they find appealing (Avodah Zara 19a: "l'olam yilmad adam torah b'makom sh'libo chafetz."). I think the same can be said for teaching - if one is passionate about the subject matter one is presenting, your enthusiam will become contagious, and hold the attention of your students (or listeners).
Personally, I am drawn to divrei Torah that yield practical guidance for dealing with the challenges of day-to-day life based on sources such as parshas shavuah and pirkei avos. Such divrei Torah have always helped me understand and grow from my own life experiences, and strengthen my personal emuna, and thus over the years, whenever an appropriate occasion arose (e.g., a shabbaton, simcha, etc.), I was always more than happy to share them with others.
Recently, I shared some Torah insights with someone who suggested I should write a book. My initial reaction was "If I had time to write a book...."
Well, I do run an Internet marketing agency and thus know more than a bit about blogging. So it later occurred to me, "Hey, maybe not a book, but how about a blog?" Indeed, when used appropriately, the Internet has become a wonderful platform for spreading Torah worldwide (see list of online Torah resources in the right sidebar; suggestions for others are welcome).
Hence, the launch of Chizuk Shaya, through which, B"EH, I will share some of the "practical" divrei torah I've developed over the years. My hope is that readers will derive the same "chizuk" that I (Shaya) have from these Torah thoughts.
I'd also like to thank Rabbi Chaim Brown, publisher of the Divrei Chaim blog, who has provided me with a model of what a Torah blog should be.
One last item: readers may find flaws and errors in my posts. As such, I invite people to submit comments - whether positive or critical - and in this way help us all reach greater clarity and truth concerning the Torah matters covered. Or send me an email privately to [email protected].
Enjoy and tizku l'mitzvos, Torah, u'ma'asim tovim.
Yeshaya Elazar