Kriat Shema - Foundation of Emuna
Masechta Brachos famously begins, "Me'eimasai Korin es Shema be'Arvis" - when do we read Shema in the evening? It's been said that this opening line of the very first masechta of Shas should be read hashkafically: "When do we read the Shema? In the evening" - that is, Shema being the most fundamental statement of a Jew's faith in Hashem - when should that be read? In the "evening;" that is, in times of darkness and despair when we must fall back on our faith to persevere through troubling times.
It is this faith that can get us through the most trying times. The same sentiment is reflected in the verse from Tehilim 92 - read as the shir shel yom for Shabbos - "l'hagid baboker chasdecha, v'emunatcha b'leilot." During prosperous times, we recount Hashem's chesed - all the good He has done for us. It is easy to be thankful during good times - during the "day". But when it is "night" - in times of darkness - when the future looks bleak - we must fall back on our emunah that it is Hashem who is behind all events.
A most appropriate message by which to commence the study of shas.