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A Chanuka Lesson: Spirituality and Torah Learning Levels the Playing Field

Recently saw a short but sweet message extracted from the Al Hanisim prayer added to Shemonei Esrei and Birchat Hamazon on Chanuka.

The essence of the miracle recounted in Al Hanisim is "masarta giborim b'yad chalashim, v'rabim b'yad me'atim" - you (Hashem) handed over the strong to the weak, and the many to the few." These are, indeed, miracles since, according to the natural order of things, the strong should vanquish the weak, and the many should defeat the few.

However, what is so miraculous about the subsequent outcomes: "the impure in the hands of the pure," "the wicked in the hands of the righteous," and the "evil in the hands of those absorbed in Torah?" These seem more like factual statements, not miracles.

As per the explanation I read, the answer is that these latter outcomes were the "cause" of the earlier outcomes. That is, WHY did the "weak" and the "few" succeed in defeating the "strong" and the "many"? Because the "few" and the "weak" were pure, righteous and immersed in Torah. These spiritual merits are what enabled the Chasmonaim to overcome the physical disadvantages in numbers and military might that, in the natural order of things, should have otherwise doomed them to defeat.

It's a point worth remembering in everyday life. So often we put our faith in "worldly" forces, advantages, and calculations. And to be sure, as per Yaakov, "ein somchin al ha'nes" and we have to do our hishtadlus. But at the end of the day, we need to remember that it is the merits we accrue from our spiritual pursuits and accomplishments that can turn the tide even when the odds of success seem so remote according to worldly calculations. In which case, even as we do our hishtadlus (whether it be in parnasa or any other endeavor), we shouldn't go overboad, but instead remain motivated to invest as much time as possible in strengthening our spirituality and Torah learning - in the merit of which the scales can be tilted in our favor.

A fine lesson to take away from Chanuka.


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